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Cynthia International School

Door to Door Marketing and Website Development


Cynthia International School aims to be a beacon of progressive education, where every child is recognized as a unique and valuable individual. Their mission is to cultivate a dynamic learning environment where academic excellence harmoniously coexists with individual choice and voice. Education must develop not only cognitive capacities but also foster holistic growth.


Project Details


What could be more effective than door-to-door marketing to connect with nearby audiences? Cynthia International School’s objective was to reach the maximum number of people with personalized attention. Understanding the school’s model and unique selling points, the Digi Chanakya team proposed a door-to-door marketing campaign designed to fulfill three key criteria: maximizing brand awareness, generating interested leads, and facilitating conversions


Unfortunately, uninvited guests are often unwelcome in homes. To introduce the Cynthia brand within households, we recognized the need for a unique approach. We aimed not only for a one-time impact but for a lasting presence, leading us to devise a strategy involving the distribution of calendars in local homes. Every time people see the calendar, they will be reminded of the Cynthia brand. Each calendar would be accompanied by the school brochure and invitations, ensuring that both interested and uninterested leads received our message. Through thorough research, we identified localities with a high concentration of our target audience, ensuring comprehensive coverage in areas where potential customers reside.


Digi Chanakya flawlessly implemented the door-to-door marketing campaign, leveraging our dedicated team of over 20 individuals to reach 15,000 households. Alongside distributing information, we also captured geotagged photos for comprehensive documentation. This concerted effort yielded remarkable results: over 2000 interested leads were generated, achieving an impressive 15% conversion rate.




Our Achievements

Reached 15,000 Families

In just 30 days we in person meet 15,000 families in our brand awareness campaign

2000+ interested Leads

It was not just brand awareness, we generated over 2000+ leads based on 10 lead criteria

15% Conversion Rate

Our marketing campaign yielded exceptional results for Cynthia School, boasting a remarkable 15% conversion rate from engaged leads


Web Development

Hover over images to view full page design


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